About us

Hey there, we're Filip and Lea

Travelers, dreamers, hiking enthusiasts, ocean lovers, small towns, and lively city seekers. We enjoy specialty coffee, natural wines, vegetarian meals from all around the world, and billions of other things.

Traveling has drawn our attention pretty much since ever, it just took some time since we found out how we want to do it. A lot, but slowly. At full blast, but sustainably. Not to miss out on something, but not to get crazy from it (well, we still struggle with this one from time to time).

We found our way to travel by living in Vienna and traveling around Austria, volunteering in the Netherlands and Denmark, and having a digital nomad lifestyle from Venice to a small mountain village in Colombia. Thank you for being with us!

We share our experience here on the blog, our YouTube channel, and Instagram. We share mostly tips and guides for trips without tours, treks, border crossing without flying, accommodation for digital nomads reviews, tips for vegetarian restaurants all around the world, and some of our favorite vegetarian recipes.

Slow and Sustainable Traveling

Slowly and sustainably, those are the main pillars of our life and travel philosophy. What does it mean? Slow traveling is not only about the amount of time we spend at a place, but mostly about the way we spend it.

From Colombia to Ecuador by bus

We don’t fly when we don’t have to. Thanks to that, we can visit for example Spain on our way to the Americas or enjoy bus rides all the way from Colombia to Uruguay. That way, we see much more than most travelers.

Visiting all the main tourist attractions in one weekend is not the main goal, we’d rather find our favorite stand at a local market. We’re always on a hunt for hidden gems and avoid organized tours as much as possible. We try to leave a positive or better no footprint behind us.
I’ll use a giant cliche, it fits perfectly though. The journey is the destination.

On the Road since&nbsp2020

March 2020 – no one from our generation will ever forget this time. The world stopped spinning and we felt like it was never gonna be the same. We made a huge decision just a few months before. We gave up our jobs, sold or stored everything we owned in boxes, left our flat in Vienna behind, and packed two backpacks in order to explore the world. We wanted to experience something new and explore Northern Europe through volunteering.

Who would expect us to be heading back to Czechia from Denmark through already closed borders? After only six weeks since we sat on our first train to the Netherlands. Well, never mind, we had to find another way.

We used the time during the pandemic and hit the road again as soon as possible. This time with laptops as an important part of our packing list and we can start to call ourselves digital nomads. We flew over the ocean for the first time in our lives after a couple of months in Europe and we explored Mexico, Guatemala, and a big chunk of South America since that. And we plan to ride this wave a bit longer.

tikal guatemala on our own